Nile river
flows through two different sources: The Blue Nile with White Nile and Abyssinian Highlands from Equator Historian Watson noted, "NileThe world's longest river in the course of a search the exact place or position of in Egypt, Nile flows 4,132 miles (6,650 kilometres) north of the Mediterranean Sea (a very unusual direction for the river). It was considered a source of life by the people of ancient Egypt and played an important role in the history of the country. Nile has played an important role in the formation of Egypt, a process that started almost five million years ago when the river started flowing north toward Egypt" (7-8). The permanent settlement gradually started from the side of the river C. 6000 BC and it was the beginning of Egyptian civilization and culture which became the world's first able to be recognized or identified from previous encounters or knowledge nation state from C. 3150 BC. Since the Nile River was seen as the source of whole life, many of Egypt's most important myths belong to Nile or mention it; Of these, Osiris, Isis and Set's story were set and how the order was set in the land
One of the most popular stories about the Nile in ancient Egypt is their betrayal and murder by God Osiris and his brother-god. The set was envious of the power and popularity of Osiris and was therefore deceived into putting it into a broad coffin (Sarcophagus) that he would give it to a person who fits it in the best form of gifts. Once Osiris was inside, the set lid slammed down and tossed Osiris Nile in the river. Osiris's wife, Isis, went searching for her husband's body to bury it properly, and after seeing in many places, Nile said playing some children, where they could get a coffin. This story comes from the ancient beliefs of the people of Egypt that the children received the gift of speech because they were capable of telling the Goddess something which she could not find herself.
The coffin swims under the Nile until it was recorded in a tree in Bialos (in Phenicia), which was quickly surrounded and surrounded by it. The King of Byblos praised the strong, stout-looking tree and brought it to its court and made it in the form of pillars. When Isles arrived at Byblos during his search, he recognized his husband's corpse inside the tree and after pleading with the king himself requested the pillar as a side. After that, Isis brought her dead husband back to Egypt to return This sequence of events will motivate the DZ column, a symbol that appears in Egyptian architecture and art in the history of the country, which is a sign of stability. DZ, according to some interpretations, represents the backbone of Osiris when it was surrounded by trees or according to others, the tree itself removed the body of the Osiris to bring the body back to Isis.
Once back in Egypt, Isis left by the Nile to bring Osiris back in her coffin to prepare herbs and medicines. He left his sister, Napathy to protect the body from the set. However, hearing this, that Isis was searching for Osiris, she was looking for her own body. He came on the path and forced him to tell him where his brother's body was hidden. By finding it, he hacked the brain into pieces and scattered them all over Egypt. When Isis returned to revive her husband, Napis allegedly accepted what had happened and helped her to figure out what was set up with Osiris's body.
Isis and Nephthys went in search of the remains of Osiris and wherever they found a piece, they buried it according to the proper rituals and built a temple. It is responsible for many of Osiris's cemeteries throughout ancient Egypt and it is also said that the nominated, Chhattis regional division of ancient Egypt (similar to a county or province) was established. Wherever a part of Osiris was buried, a dome finally grew up there. He managed to find and bury all his parts except for his penis, which was thrown into the set Nile and which was eaten by the crocodile. For this reason, crocodile fertility was associated with the God of Sobeck, and any person eaten by the crocodile was considered lucky in a happy death.
Since it was incomplete, Osiris could not come back in life but afterlife of the deceased and became a judge. Naili, who had received penis of Osiris, was fertile due to this and gave life to the people of the country. Osiris's son, Horace, defeated the set and took his father's revenge (in some versions of the story, killed him) and restored the balance and order in the area. a god considers as the person or thing that protects someone or something of the monarchy, typically represented as a falcon-headed man. He assumed various aspects: in the myth of Isis and Osiris, he was the posthumous son of the latter, whose murder he avenged and Isis then ruled the land in harmony.
During the reign of King Josar (c. 2670 BC) the land was struck with famine. Joser had a dream in which Lord Khanna had come to complain that his temple on Elephantine Island in the river had become dismal and he disliked the neglect. Josep's vizier, Imhotep, suggested to the King to visit Elephantine to see if the message of the dream was true or not. Found the temple of Djoser Temple in bad condition and ordered it to be renovated and renovated its surrounding premises. Later, the famine was lifted and Egypt was fertile again. This story follows the famine of the Tommy Dynasty (332-30 BC) after the reign of Josaseer, and the King also gives testimony of great respect at that time. It shows the long-standing standing of Nile for the people of Egypt that the river god, and nobody else, was not satisfied until the end of the famine.
The Nile River remains an integral part of Egypt's life, lower and commerce, and it is said by the people of Egypt that once a visitor should see the beauty of Nile, the return of that visitor of Egypt would be assured. (Has been claimed, even in ancient times). Seneca described Nile a wonderful surprise and a "remarkable splendid" and it is the opinion shared by many ancient writers who visit Egypt's "mother of all human beings"; Even today a scene shared by many people experiencing it.
NIELD people were considered as the source of all life's sources and important parts of the life of the laps in life. Through this myth and others, Nile was organized as an integral part of the lives of all the people in Egypt and the lives of the Gods in ancient Egypt. The galaxy was considered to be the divine mirror of Nile, and it was believed that Sun God Ra had crossed the ship. The gods were closely involved in the people of ancient Egypt and it was believed that they caused the river's annual flood which deposited fertile black soil with dry banks. According to some myths, it was Isis who taught people the skills of agriculture (in others, this Osiris) and, in time, people would develop canals, irrigation and sophisticated systems to do land work. The Nile was also an important entertainment resource for the people of Egypt.
Apart from swimming, people enjoyed water joining, in which two fighters of a 'fighter' and 'Raver' were trying to knock each other out of the boat. Another popular river sports were described by boat racing and skill, such as Roman playwright Seneca the Younger (1st Century CE), who owned land in Egypt:
People on small boats, on the Nile,] two, two on the boat, and one row while the others get out of the water. Then they are throwing violently in the fiery rapids. In length they reach the narrowed channels and flowing with the full force of the river, they control the curved boat by hand and let the head down for the great terror of the audience. You will believe with grief that till now they were soaked on such a large scale of water and were overwhelmed when they were away from the falling place, they used to come out as a catapult, still used to sail, and the subsidy wave Does not immerse but takes them on smooth water.
The river came to be known as the "father of life" and "mother of all human beings" and was considered an expression of God Happi, who blessed the land with life, as well as with the Goddess overcome, the concepts Used to absorb truth, harmony, and balance. The Nile was also linked to ancient Goddess Hathor, and later, as noted with the notice and Osiris. Devata Khanam, which became the god of reincarnation and creation in the later dynasties, was originally the god of Nile's source, who controlled his flow and sent an annual flood upon which people were dependent on the land to rest