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Russian sleeping experiment

The 'Russian Sleeping Experiment' to the late 1940s is a work of modern creepy fiction or that describes imaginary events and people.
Russian researchers in the late 1940’s kept 5 people awake for sixteen days used the experimental gas based provocative. They are kept in the sealed environment to carefully monitor their oxygen access so the gas didn’t kill them since it was toxic in the action or power of focusing one's attention or mental effort. This was before closed circuit cameras so they had only microphones and a small exterior window in a ship or aircraft. sized windows into the chamber to monitor them. The chamber was stocked with books, cots to sleep on but no bedding, running water and toilet, and enough become dry food to last all 5for over a month.
The test a person or thing that is being discussed were political prisoners deemed enemies of the state during World War II.
Everything was fine for the first 5 days the subjects scarcely complained having been assure that they would be released from accepting or yield to a superior force or to the authority or will of another person if they submitted to the test and did not sleep for 30 days. Their conversations and the condition in which things are happening or being done were monitored and it was noted that they continued to talk about to an increasing extent traumatic incidents in their past, and the general a musical of their conversations take on a darker aspect after the 4-day note.
After five days, he started complaining about the circumstances and events that took him there and started showing serious reflector. They stopped talking to each other and alternatively started whispering microphones and one side reflected reflections. Oddly, they all felt that they could win the trust of the users by changing their other subjects in captivity with their colleagues. First researchers suspected that this was the effect of gas ...
After nine days, the first of them started shouting. He used to run the length of the chamber screaming repeatedly on the top of his lungs, he continued to scream, but sometimes it was able to produce a squawk. Researchers said that they had torn their vocal cords physically. The most amazing thing about this behaviour is how other prisoners reacted to this ... or did not respond to it instead. Unless the prisoners started shouting, they whispering to the microphones. Two non-shouting captives separated the books, saw the page with their own stools after page and pasted them peacefully on Glass Portals. Yelling stopped immediately.
Then whispered to the microphone.
Three more days after the passage. The researchers examined the microphone per hour to ensure that they were working because they thought it was impossible that there could not be any sound with five people inside. Oxygen consumption in the chamber indicates that all five should still survive. Actually, this was the amount of oxygen that five people would consume at a very heavy level of hard work. On the 14th day, the researchers did something that they said they would not do to get the response from the prisoners; they used intercom inside the room, hoping that they would provoke a reaction to the prisoners who they were scared or There were dead or vegetables.
They make a public and typically formal declaration about a fact: "We are opening the room to test the microphone, move far to the door and lie flat on the floor or you will be shot. the  process of doing something of complying with a wish or command will earn your occurring independence to one of you."
For his surprise, he heard a phrase in a calm voice reaction: "Now we do not want to be free."
The debate between the researchers and research funded military forces broke. It was decided to open the room at midnight on the night of fifteen days, unable to provoke any further reaction using Intercom.
The room was slippery with the stimulant gas and was filled with fresh air and immediately started to sound the object from the microphone. 3 different voices started begging, such as turning back the gas to demand the life of loved ones. The room was opened and soldiers were sent to retrieve test subjects. They started shouting out loud, and when the soldiers saw what was inside. Four of the five subjects were still alive, although no one could correctly call the state that none of them is in 'life'.
In the last five days, food ration was not so much as touched. The pieces of meat from the thighs and chest of dead test fill in the drain in the centre of the chamber, block the drain and allow four-inch water to be stored on the floor. Certainly, the amount of water on the floor was not actually determined. All four 'live' test subjects also had large parts of the muscles and skin that would throw them away from their body. Exhausted on muscle destruction and their fingertips, the bone indicated that the lesions were not handled with the wounds because the researchers initially thought. The close examination of the condition of the wounds and the angles indicates that most of them are not self-punished.
The stomach limbs were removed below the recycling of all four test subjects. While the heart, lungs and diaphragm remained in place, most of the muscles attached to the skin and ribs were slaughtered, causing the lungs to be exposed through the ribs. Maintaining all the blood vessels and limbs, they were now expelled and put on the floor, which was still spreading around the living but still living organisms of species. The digestive system of all four can be seen to work, to digest food. It quickly became clear that the person who was digesting was their flesh, that they burst during the day and ate it.
Most soldiers were Russian special operators at this facility, but many still refused to return to the room to remove the test subjects. He continued to scream in order to be released in the room and alternatively pleaded and demanded that the gas is turned back so that he could sleep ...
For the surprise of everyone, the test subjects did a fierce battle in the process of being removed from the cell. One of the Russian soldiers died after due to happen out of his throat, another was in a solemn or considered manner injured and his tactical slipped, and an artery in his foot broke one of the teeth of the subject. If you have committed suicide in the weeks after the events, then one of the soldiers and 5 lost their lives.
One of the four surviving subjects in the struggle had broken their spleen and it almost came out immediately. Medical researchers tried to sedate him but it proved to be impossible. He was given ten times more injections than the human dose of the analgesic and narcotic drug obtained from opium and used medicinally to relieve pain derivative and still was fought like a cornered animal, broke a doctor's ribs and arm. When the heart was defeated after two minutes of the blade at that point, it had more air in its vascular system compared to blood. Even after stopping it, he was screamed for another three minutes, attacking the arrival of any person and repeating the word "excess", weak and weak, until he finally became silent.
The three live test subjects were heavily limited in extent and transferred to a medical facility, both with constant vocal cords were constantly humbly for something.for gas ...
Most of the three injured were taken to the only surgical operating room, which was facilitated. In the process of preparing this subject, it was found that to keep its organs back in their bodies, it was effectively resistant to that winter which they had given them to prepare for surgery. When the anaesthetic gas was put down, he fought aggressively in opposition to his restraint. He managed to a
hole or split in something caused by it having been pulled apart forcefully the most through a four-inch wide leather a strip of leather on a wrist, even through the weight of 200 pound soldiers catching that wrist. To normalize it was taken a bit more anesthetic than usual, and immediately her eyelids got torn off and closed, her heart stopped. It was found in the corpse of test subjects that died on the operating table that it had three times the normal level of oxygen in his blood. His muscles, which were still attached to his skeleton, were badly broken and he broke into his struggle to break 9 bones. Most of them were on the force with their muscles imposed on them.
The second was the first of a group of five to start a live screaming. His vocal cables destroyed that he was unable to pray or do an object for surgery, and when he brought anaesthetic gas to him, he refused and shook his head and reacted by shaking. When he suggested to someone, reluctantly, he tried surgery without surgery, he shook his head, and did not react to the whole six-hour process of changing his stomach organs and Tried to cover them with their skin remained. Preston repeatedly said that the patient should still be physically feasible to survive. A horror nurse assisting in the surgery said that whenever he got his eyes, he had seen patients in the mouth several times in the mouth.
When the surgery was over, the subject saw the surgeon and started stroking loudly while trying to talk while struggling. Suppose that the surgeon must have very important importance in bringing the pen and pad so that the patient can write his message. it was easy. "Keep cutting."
The other two test subjects were given the same surgery, even without anaesthetic. Although they had to be injected with a paralysis for the duration of the operation The surgeon seemed impossible to undergo surgery, while the patient laughed steadily After being locked, the researchers present only with the eyes can be followed in the subjects. The analytical system gave its system abnormally in a short time and they were trying to avoid their obstacles soon. The moment he could speak, he was again seeking stimulant gas. The researchers used in various phrases to describe something that has proved effective or reliable before to ask why they had injured themselves, why they threw their own courage and why they wanted to give gas again.
Only one response was given: "I should wake up."
The restraint of all three subjects was strengthened and they were put back in the room so that the determination of what should be done with them. Researchers consider liberating living subjects to foil the set goals of their project to face the anger of their military 'beneficial'. The commanding officer, a former KGB, looked at potentialinstead, and wanted to see what would happen if they were put back on the gas. The researchers strongly opposed, but they were rejected.
The subjects were linked to the EEG monitor in preparation for re-sealing in the chamber and their restraint was padded for long-term bondage. For the surprise of everyone, all three had stopped fighting this moment, so that they were given a slip that they were going back to the gas. It was clear that at this point all three were fighting a big struggle to wake up. One of the talking subjects was hugging loudly and continuously; The silent subject was pressing his feet against all the powers of leather with all his powers, first left, then right, then left to focus again. The rest of the subject was holding his head with his pillow and was napping fast. Due to being the first person to be wired for EEG, most of the researchers were amazed to monitor their brain waves. They were normal most of the time but sometimes the flats were unknowingly underlined. It seems that he was facing brain death repeatedly before returning normally. As soon as he focused on paper scrolling outside the brain monitor, only one nurse noticed that his eyes were closed in the same moment, his head hit the pillows. His brain's mistakes were immediately turned into a deep sleep, then the last time it was flat-landed because his heart was locked together.
The only remaining topic that can speak is now being shouted. The waves of their brains show the same flatline that died while sleeping. Commander ordered to seal the room with both subjects
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